Long term
02 March, 2023

Annual Car Rental

Car rental services, which are used by both individual and corporate companies to run their business and meet their travel needs, can be made on a monthly or long-term basis, at desired intervals, and vehicle alternatives of different models and brands can be selected according to their needs and costs.

Especially preferred by corporate companies, annual car rental not only meets vehicle needs with the advantages it offers, but also provides companies with extra income.

In return for a contract, one or more vehicles (fleet) can be rented at a fixed annual price and delivered with monthly payment options to be determined by the tenant. Another advantage is that companies can show the car rental cost as an expense, so they can benefit from tax deductions, which prevents extra balances from the company’s coffers. In addition, without the need for large amounts to be allocated for the vehicles to be taken to the institution, the need for vehicles is met without tiring the company’s case, as well as all the disruptions and problems that may arise, are met by the Istanbul car rental services.

Our company, which responds to the needs of Long Term Car Rental by mobilizing all our vehicle alternatives with the experience and equipment gained by being in this sector for many years, delivers the vehicle to you in return for a contract, and undertakes all its maintenance and responsibilities. For corporate companies that will make the leasing; Our company, which seeks compliance with the conditions of tax plate, signature circular, commercial registry newspaper, driver’s identity, driver’s license documents, 3-year driving license and over 25 years old, also in individual rentals, at least 3 years’ license, driver’s license, identity card and bank card. leases vehicles against submission. Our vehicles, which are incomplete with both interior and exterior equipment, do not have any exposure to prevent traffic, and have different fuel types, have options that will appeal to every budget. You can contact our 24/7 active fleet support line for all your questions and problems, and you can also benefit from this service before and after the rental. With our annual car rental service, you can solve your fleet rental business at affordable prices.